Let's have some fun... Show off your Automox swag (for a chance to earn some more)! 

  • 13 September 2023
  • 11 replies

Userlevel 5

We’ve given away some cool swag over the years. We would love to see how you ended up using that swag! 

 Sticker bombed your laptop? Gave your Otto action figure a spot on your desk? Sporting your Automox hat to work? 

Let’s see it - share some photos! We might even send some more swag your way 😜

11 replies

Userlevel 5

I’m hydrating with my Automox water bottle today! 

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

My Otto has been stolen by my kiddos, and now protects Duplo-Town. 


Userlevel 1

You ‘Moxin’ to me?

Userlevel 1
All kids LOVE Otto! Including my little Lainey and our cat Sadie


Userlevel 1

Love little Lainey and Sadie. PS @Laura.Partyka This has been posted to the John Deere and Cat Communities swag chains as well. 

Userlevel 1

When the swag arrives and your excitement is through the roof! I did not know I could love the people and company I work for more! <3 

My welcome kit when I joined Automox two years ago. Otto has come a long way!

I dont have any swag (yet) 😔

Userlevel 1

@MattEWG I got swag :) Send me a message at Laura.Partyka@automox.com and we’ll get you some goodies! 

Userlevel 1

A few Otto’s made their way down to Melbourne Australia and our kids got hold of one of them for their bookcase :)

Userlevel 5

@Edward That looks insanely cool. Otto fits in perfectly! 
