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Hi Everyone

I’m new to the API.  guess im doing something wrong related to authentication. I can query through postman without any issues using my key but no luck with the below code :


Here is what Im tryin to run through PS but I always get an “(401) Unauthorized.” error message


$uri = ""

$result = Invoke-restmethod -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -method get

$result  | select -expandproperty profile |select name



Thanks a lot for any help. 



Hello Diego,

You will need to specify your orgID in the URI. For example:


$apiKey = '<your_api_key>'


Authorization = "Bearer $apiKey"



$url = "$orgid"

$response = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $url -Headers $headers).Content | ConvertFrom-Json

Write-Output $response

Try that out.

Kind regards,

And adding to ElmerP’s code here, I was able to break it down to the device info, which might be what you were looking for with the Name property.


$apiKey = '<your_api_key'


Authorization = "Bearer $apiKey"



$url = "$orgid"

$response = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $url -Headers $headers).Content | ConvertFrom-Json

Write-Output $response.prepatch.devices



Thank you so much to both !!!

