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“Citrix said the information taken by the intruders may have included Social Security Numbers or other tax identification numbers, driver’s license numbers, passport numbers, financial account numbers, payment card numbers, and/or limited health claims information, such as health insurance participant identification number and/or claims information relating to date of service and provider name.”

Pretty crazy that they were inside for that long. The FBI were the ones who had to tell Citrix they’d bee pwned.

I have to imagine some people were in some deep doodoo after that. Having the FBI alert you to an ongoing 5 month hackjob of your company is hilarious though.

“Bro u kno ur bein hacked rn, right??”

“lol oh wow”

One would hope that some heads would have rolled.

One of my favorite excuses I’ve seen was after a local business in our area was hacked. They came down hard on the IT Director for negligence and his excuse was “Well I wasn’t the one hacking us so I don’t know why you’re looking at me right now…”
