I’ve made this worklet condition script but it seems the Remediation Code even that there is no Docker0 interface and non of the IPs start with 172.x.x.x
Evaluation Code
# Check if the docker0 interface exists
if ip addr show docker0 &> /dev/null; then
# Get the IP address of the docker0 interface
docker0_ip=$(ip addr show docker0 | awk '/inet / {split($2, a, "/"); print a;1]}')
# Check if the IP address starts with 172.x.x.x
if r $docker0_ip =~ ^172\._0-9]{1,3}\..0-9]{1,3}\..0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then
echo "The docker0 interface has an IP address starting with 172.x.x.x."
exit 1
echo "The docker0 interface does not have an IP address starting with 172.x.x.x."
exit 0
echo "The docker0 interface does not exist."
exit 0
I would expect it to not run the script (Remediation Code) since non of the conditions are met but the activity log says: Created a new Docker default file at /etc/default/docker and checking the device the file was created.
Any chance to figure why?