Hi Guys, i´m testing the Worklet to " Uninstall Specific App by Name", I test uninstalling Ccleaner and Winrar in a machine, the policy for Ccleaner looks like do the job, Ccleaner was uninstalled and i get this message from the Activity report: Uninstalled the following key: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\CCleaner Uninstall Successful
All good with Ccleaner, but with the policy for WinRar the result was : COMMAND TIMED OUT error, and with others Samsung apps that i try to uninstall with the policy andof course the Apps weren´t uninstalled.
Event viewer not show any related to that error, how we can see what happend, what that “COMMAND TIME OUT” means