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I am running into an issue where I can install Netskope to laptops via Automox using the following:


Start-Process msiexec "/I NSClient.msi token=123456ABCDEF mode=peruserconfig autoupdate=on /qn"


But when I try to push to AWS Workspaces - It will not install via Automox. Any ideas? 

Here is a technique I do with MSIexec after using it in an automox script. This will put details from event log into the activity log. Also like to add a log on the local drive so if the error in event log is too generic there is a deeper way to look at it. 

# Install App
Start-Process msiexec "/I NSClient.msi token=123456ABCDEF mode=peruserconfig autoupdate=on /qn /l*v C:\windows\temp\NSClientInstall.log"

# Write Output From Event Log
$events = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{
} -MaxEvents 10 | Where-Object Message -match "Netskope"
foreach($event in $events){
Write-Output "$($event.TimeCreated) >> $($event.Message)"

