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Checks the percentage of free space on all drives. Only run manually. The evaluation code will always return true. The output will be in your activity log. Edit the variable $SpaceAlert to equal the percentage to report on. If the percentage free is greater then this number nothing will happen. If its lower it will echo to your activity log.

• Under Evaluation Code:

If (Test-Path "$env:allusersprofile\SoftwareDistribution")


Exit 0


Else {

Exit 1


• Under Remediation Code:

$SpaceAlert = '10'

$disks = get-wmiobject -class "Win32_LogicalDisk" -namespace "root\CIMV2"

$results = foreach ($disk in $disks)


if ($disk.Size -gt 0)


$size = emath]::round($disk.Size/1GB, 0)

$free = emath]::round($disk.FreeSpace/1GB, 0)

$freespace = ($free/$size) * 100

$freespace = emath]::Round($freespace)



If ($freespace >$SpaceAlert) {

Exit 0


Else {

Write-Output "Free space " $freespace"%"



The foundation to checking drive space is awesome!
I may be missing something relatively easy, but this isn’t reporting all my systems drives.
Any ideas?
