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This worklet takes two configurations that you upload to the worklet - eventlogs.yaml & default_agent_config.yaml - and copies them to the Datadog folders they belong to as conf.yaml and datadog.yaml respectively. It also takes an existing conf.yaml.default configuration and makes a copy of it as the conf.yaml file in its’ same directory.

A log is created in the Automox activity log, but it also creates a log locally on the machine in C:\vSOC_Tools.


Exit 0


"Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = =Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

$datadogConfDir = 'C:\ProgramData\Datadog\'

$win32ConfDir = 'C:\ProgramData\Datadog\conf.d\win32_event_log.d\'

$diskConfDir = 'C:\ProgramData\Datadog\conf.d\disk.d'

$eventLogs = 'eventlogs.yaml' #Uploaded File

$defaultAgent = 'default_agent_config.yaml' #Uploaded File

$service = Get-Service -Name "Datadog Agent" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Start-Transcript -Path C:\vSOC_Tools\test.log

# Create directories if they don't exist

If (-not (Test-Path ($datadogConfDir))) {

Write-Output "Creating Win32 Conf Directory"

New-Item -Path $datadogConfDir -ItemType "directory"


If (-not (Test-Path ($win32ConfDir))) {

Write-Output "Creating Win32 Conf Directory"

New-Item -Path $win32ConfDir -ItemType "directory"


If (-not (Test-Path ($diskConfDir))) {

Write-Output "Creating Win32 Conf Directory"

New-Item -Path $diskConfDir -ItemType "directory"


# Fix configs and restart agent

Write-Output "Copying Win32 Conf"

Copy-Item $eventLogs -Destination "$win32ConfDir\conf.yaml" -Force

Write-Output "Copying Datadog Conf"

Copy-Item $defaultAgent -Destination "$datadogConfDir\datadog.yaml" -Force

If (Test-Path "$diskConfDir\conf.yaml.default") {

Write-Output "Copying Disk Conf"

Copy-Item "$diskConfDir\conf.yaml.default" -Destination "$diskConfDir\conf.yaml" -Force



{ Write-Output "$diskConfDir\conf.yaml.default does not exist" }

If ($service.length -gt 0) {

Write-Output "Restarting Agent"

Restart-Service $service -Force



{ Write-Output "$service does not exist" }


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