Hi all,
I use Automox to deploy software to our endpoints and one of our departments heavily uses an application called Tableau.
Tableau regularly releases patch updates every few days/weeks, and i’d like to be able to run a scheduled worklet to search for the latest version and upgrade the application.
At the moment, when a new version is released, we are downloading the latest file and uploading it into automox to run the following basic command:
Copy-Item $uploadfile -Destination $saveFilePath
Start-Sleep -s 20
###### Installing Tableau, if any errors will be added in the amagent logs ######
Try {
Start-Process -FilePath $saveFilePath -ArgumentList '/quiet', '/norestart', 'ACCEPTEULA=1', 'REMOVEINSTALLEDAPP=1' -Wait -PassThru
Write-Output " ... $uploadfile Install Finished..."
I was looking on the Github in chocolatey for tableau and found the following as the base for their package: chocolatey-packages/update.ps1 at master · meek2100/chocolatey-packages · GitHub
Do you have any suggestions of how we could create something similar to evaluate the existing version against the latest published version, and then download and install as appropriate?
Many thanks