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I cobbled this together from several items in the Automox Labs and API documentation:

$orgID = "myorgid"

$apiKey = 'myapikeyhere'

$filepath = ‘.\ServerInventory.csv’

$page = 0

$limit = 500

$data = @()

Write-Output "Page"

while($true) {

$headers = @{"Authorization" = "Bearer $apiKey" }

$url = "$orgID?l=$limit&p=$page"

$response = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri $url -Headers $headers).Content | ConvertFrom-Json

Write-Output $page

$data += $response

$page += 1

if($response.count -lt $limit) {




$data | Group-Object display_name | Sort-Object name | Select-Object Count,name `

| Export-Csv -Path $filepath -NoTypeInformation

The result is that it produces a csv of 500 server names as I’d expect. When I change “$page” to “1” in the script (and change the csv output file name) and run it again, it produces a new, blank csv.

I’ve read this: About Automox API

and feel like I’m doing it correctly, but it seems like I may be missing something - or am just doing something wrong.


This is what I like to use to pull all devices. We have over 3k devices and it does it well.

$orgID = ""

$apiKey = ""

###### Get Devices

$pageindex = 0

$Items = New-Object -TypeName "System.Collections.ArrayList"

$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $apiKey" }

Do {

$url = "$orgID&page=$pageindex"

$Devices =(Invoke-restmethod -Method Get -Uri $url -Headers $headers)

foreach ($Item in $Devices) {$Items += $Item}



Until ($Devices.count -lt 500)


Thanks; I will give that a try!

Just note that your devices are all contained in the $Items object when its done.

How do you output that into a CSV?

$Items | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation c:\temp\devices.csv

Your script ran fast and worked perfectly - thank you!
