I have this KB article: Outlook (Client-based) Phish Alert Button Product Manual – Knowledge Base
Can anyone help me to create the worklet for Win10 device?
I have this KB article: Outlook (Client-based) Phish Alert Button Product Manual – Knowledge Base
Can anyone help me to create the worklet for Win10 device?
I was able to achieve this by creating a required software policy instead of a worklet. Required software policy will auto scan the devices and if the software isn’t found, it will install. It will customize the install script once you upload the installer file. It should spit back something like this
exit (Start-Process -FilePath ‘msiexec.exe’ -ArgumentList (’/qn’, ‘/i’, ‘“PhishAlert.msi”’) -Wait -Passthru).ExitCode
Alternatively, you can use a required software policy and use the same command line option referenced in the doc you mentioned
Hi Kyle, Thank you the only issue is the PowerShell. It was failed!
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