
IE11 disable from Windows 7

  • 15 June 2022
  • 0 replies


Hey Folks

As we all know, IE11 is becoming EOL today (June 15/2022) and there is a worklet in Automox which removes/disables it in Windows 10.  This worklet uses a CMDLET that does not work in Windows 7, and we are in the process of upgrading Windows 7 → 10, but due to inventory shortage at our vendor it may not happen for a while.  

In doing a bit of a digging, I’ve come across DSIM.exe which has a script to disable IE11 and it worked while running it manually.  But I’ve created a worklet in Automox, and it would not work while pushing it out.

This is the code:

Evaluation Code:

Exit 1


Remediation Code:

Start-Process "DISM.exe" -ArgumentList "/Online /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:Internet-Explorer-Optional-amd64" -Wait


As I mentioned, the script works standalone with manual PS entry on a Windows 7 machine, but not when run with Automox.  Any help would be highly appreciated.  

BTW, this is to disable IE11

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