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Afternoon, I have managed to find a worklet for installing Carbon Black on a Mac EndPoint - but I am unable to find one for installing on a Windows Endpoint, is there a template available or has anyone else had any luck in writing one? The “12 Hour” time frame from the CB console is too long for sensible deployments 🙂


Does this help?


Since I just got done helping another user with it, here’s the required software policy code block that I helped put together on installing carbon black(includes a log for tracking how the install went later):
$companycode = “COMPANY_CODE=companycodehere”
$cbgroup = “GROUP_NAME=establishedpolicyname”
exit (Start-Process -FilePath ‘msiexec.exe’ -ArgumentList (’/qn’, ‘/i’, ‘“installer_vista_win7_win8-64-”’, ‘/l*v c:\CBInstall.log’, “$companycode”, “$cbgroup”) -Wait -Passthru).Exit…


Create MST file and you can deploy the agent with GPO

  1. Carbon Black Cloud: How to Perform an Unattended I… - Carbon Black Community

  2. Create a Microsoft Installer Transform (.MST) File (
