
Automox troubleshooting through SentinelOne remote shell

  • 1 December 2022
  • 0 replies


As the title says, I’m trying to do some troubleshooting through SentinelOne remote shell for some Automox agents that stopped reporting to the console of Automox but are still active on SentinelOne. 


I’m able to open a remote shell to the endpoints in question through SentinelOne but I’ve had no luck trying to:

  • deregister the agent
  • set a new key
  • restarting the agent


So I’ve come here to ask for help:

how would you try and either completely uninstall Automox and then reinstalling


deregistering and setting.a new key to hopefully restore the connectivity of the agent

using a SentinelOne remote shell


Thank you everyone!

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